Gloucestershire Society for Botanical Illustration

Image Joy Bosworth


The Gloucestershire Society for Botanical Illustration - GSBI - was formed in 1993 to cater for all in the county interested in botanical illustration, whether as botanists, botanical illustrators, gardeners or those involved in the collection and appreciation of botanical works.  Now, however, the Society has members from much further afield.  

The Society welcomes artists of all levels – from total beginners to experienced artists alike. Events are arranged throughout the year to cater for the wide and varied interests of members, whether painters or non-painters.

The benefits of membership include:-

Members of all levels are encouraged to exhibit their work at the Society’s annual exhibition which is non-selective.

Some of our more experienced members have won The Royal Horticultural Society’s Gold, Silver Gilt and Silver Medals both in the Grenfell (for art pictures) and Lindley (for scientific illustration) range. They have also exhibited and won medals in other prestigious exhibitions. 

In conjunction with the Museum of Royal Worcester, the GSBI was awarded the Finnis Scott Foundation Botanical Art Award 2020.